Sunday, December 16, 2012

Holiday's Around the World.....

As we "travel around the world," we are learning the about the various holiday customs that take place.
On this particular day, we traveled to Sweden and talked about St. Lucia. The girls are wearing wreaths of candles and the boys are wearing star hats. Ask  you child to tell you about this custom.

Saying "Thank You" to Ms. Rice


Making Holiday Stockings

 Jaden shares some interesting facts about himself. He likes to eat cheese pizza, play football, soccer and basketball, and watch the movies, Fast and Furious and Puss in Boots. He has a big family with three brothers and two sisters.
Brooke was our Superstar this past week. She enjoys spending time with her big sister, swimming, four wheeling, and playing soccer. Her favorite foods are chocolate, spaghetti, and meatloaf. Her favorite holiday is Christmas and activity is doing art projects.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Erik is our Superstar this week. We enjoyed looking at special baseball cards from his collection. He even has some signed by the players. Some of Erik's favorite things include pizza, Monopoly, Aaron Rodgers, the Brewers, winter, camping and watching the movie, Sandlot. He also wore a cool shirt to show us how much he likes Lego Star Wars! Nice job, Erik.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Dakota was our Superstar last week. He likes the color green, Indian tacos, camping, bears and basketball. When he grows up he wants to be a doctor. Dakota has three brothers, two sisters and two dogs named Cocoa and Zoe!
Abigail is our Superstar this week. Today we learned that she likes tacos, horses, dancing and drawing.
She has a four year old brother, Alex, and a dog, Bailey. I also know that Abby has been dancing and preparing for a part in this years, Nutcracker ballet. We can't wait to see her perform later in December!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Learning About Place Value can be YUMMY!

 This week we learned about place value using base 10 blocks. Another way to practice this skill is to use marshmallows, toothpicks, and Fruit Loops to make a number. Each marshmallow represents a place value (hundreds, tens, ones) and the Fruit Loops on the toothpicks tell how many of each. Students are making their own numbers and writing them on the sheet. Everyone enjoyed marshmallows for a treat!